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Officine  Sturaro Srl was first established in 1998 as a small family workshop specialized in carpentry works. By degrees becomes a dynamic company which has achieved the highest market standards through more than 15 years of activity and the continuous improvement of its resources.

For this purpose Officine Sturaro Srl promptly responds to the needs of the customers and its skilled technicians offer a qualified and reliable assistance in all the steps of the process of production: from the initial project to the final installation.

Over the years Officine Sturaro Srl has focused on the importance of the human element. In other words our company puts the welfare and the safety of the employees as a primary goal and as the right combination to offer excellent products and services. In addition, thanks to the company’s consolidated know-how and its competitive solutions based on green economy, Officine Sturaro Srl looks at innovative strategies and at future generations.